Feb 6

Hot Stuff for Valentine’s Day! Hot Chocolate Mix and Fun Gift Labels

in Chocolate, Drinks, Fuji Craft, Printables, Recipes by Type

Hi there Fuji Fans! My name is Lolly of LollyChops.com! I am super excited to be a guest here today!

A few weeks ago before Lil’ Fuji Too was born – LFM and I were talking and I asked her if I could be her guest while she was getting back into the swing of things… she said “heck no weirdo!!” at first, but I begged and pleaded and here I am (I only had to bribe her a tiny little bit)!
Note: Just a little tip folks.. she caves quickly when Chocolate is thrown into the mix…!

LFM has been a guest on my blog several times and I am thrilled to finally have a crack at her space! I hope I don’t mess anything up!

I had a plan for a post for today that was thrown to the crafty winds by a sudden 3:00 a.m. vision of hot chocolate (don’t cha hate those???). I decided to put my plans on hold until next week and get right to work on a Valentine’s version of my Christmas Hot Chocolate download and print templates from late last year!

So what are download and print Hot Chocolate templates anyway Lolly? I’ll get to that in a sec (honest to peanuts).

Firstly.. I had to check with the boss on my approach with these little fellas and she gave me the go ahead to actually do two versions. The reason I did two was because you might be feeling just a tad like going the “CheaterChops” route! One version has a recipe and corresponding ingredient list on the bottom of the template and the other does not.

The nifty thing about using the tried and true “CheaterChops” method – is that you can buy a ready made hot chocolate mix and just whip up these little templates and fill your baggies and you’re ready to go! Does it get any easier than that??? I think not! If you want to get crafty (or foodie as is the case with LFM readers) and make up a giant batch of the hot cocoa mix that’s included with the other version – by all means… knock your socks off!

I came up with a little easier than the buying-the-special-bags-from-the-store method for my Christmas packs and I want to share that with you below (have you noticed how I jump all over the place… I am a little crazy like that).

Start with a sammich sized ziploc baggie. Chop off the top.

Fold the baggie almost in half and tape it down

(get close to the top (where the opening is) but not all the way to the top).
Was that confusing???

Fold over the opening (about an inch) and use a tablespoon to fill it with the hot cocoa mix.
You will want to put about 10 tablespoons of mix in each baggie (a little more if you can fit it in there). Once you have it filled carefully fold the top back over and either fold and tape it closed or use a twist tie to seal it.

After you have printed out a page of the templates, you are going to want to cut along the edges and score down the both sides of the small white section and then fold them towards each other. You can punch holes in the tops and thread ribbon through to get them to stay together..AND I recommend taping the baggie of mix down to the bottom. This will prevent it from sliding around as much.

If you have any questions about how to put these together, just leave LFM a comment and I’ll get you guys more examples, etc.. tomorrow!

So what are these for Lolly??
You can give these little tiny hot chocolate packs to your friends, family and coworkers for a super sweet Valentine’s treat! I thought they were especially fitting considering half of the country is freezing cold right now!


So where are these templates anyway Lolly?
You can download the La Fuji Mama Valentine’s Hot Chocolate Template with the recipe HERE!


You can download the La Fuji Mama Valentine’s Hot Chocolate Template with out the ingredients list on the bottom (aka the CheaterChops version) HERE!

I hope I was not too hyper and made sense! We can just blame the lack of sleep ok!?!

HUGS you guys! I’ll be back next week with a giveaway AND another foodie template (or two).


{ 18 comments… read them below or add one }

Hippie Family... February 6, 2009 at 7:41 am

oh I love this!!I may have to take this one to Kinko’s to print.. I want it BRIGHT and LOVELY!!


LollyChops February 6, 2009 at 7:44 am

Thanks so much for having me over Fuji! I had so much fun making these up for your readers!

Sweet Valentine’s Day HUGS!


Bob February 6, 2009 at 8:21 am

Cute. :) I know some crafty people that will get a kick out of this.


Leigh February 6, 2009 at 8:27 am

Love it, Lolly!!!


Jingle February 6, 2009 at 8:56 am

Such a cute idea! Love it!


Preston February 6, 2009 at 9:10 am

Hey Fuji Mama! I heard about your site from visiting Lolly’s blog. What a wonderful design! My wife will adore this! Thank you thank you thank you.


MomChopsq February 6, 2009 at 9:16 am

Hello Fuji Mama! Let me say that I made your incredible Potato Soup the other day and we LOVED it. My darling, picky husband ate 2 bowls (!!!) Can’t wait to whip up that Chicken Soup recipe your mom left. With a story like that attached to it, it has to be GOOD!


Katie February 6, 2009 at 9:30 am

Love this, it’ll be a great little Valentine treat for the preschool teachers! Thanks for the template and directions!


chou February 6, 2009 at 10:02 am

Agh! The cuteness kills me. Guess I need a color printer RIGHT NOW! :)


Miss Anne February 6, 2009 at 11:26 am

Lolly is the most AMAZING little craftypants I know. Seriously folks eh? She’s also so sweet, hilarious and witty too, huh?

:) I’m going to make these this weekend (I’m hoping!)

congrats on your sweet little baby girl too!



Jackie February 6, 2009 at 2:00 pm

This is such a good idea! I have tons of hot cocoa that needs to be used up this year and now I have a HOT template to dress it up! Thanks!


Annie Pazoo February 6, 2009 at 4:25 pm

Hi Lolly! You’ve outdone yourself again. Cocoa yums to ya!. Hi LFM! Congrats again on LFM Too, and hope you’re having lots of fun together :-)


Joie de vivre February 6, 2009 at 10:03 pm

Oh Fuji Mama,
Your blog has been in good hands while you have been gone. I have thoroughly enjoyed all of your guest bloggers. :)


Draffin Bears February 6, 2009 at 10:15 pm

Hi Lolly,

What a great idea ~ thank you.

Fuji Mama, I hope that you are doing well and getting some rest and enjoying your new baby.



Fuji Mama's Mama February 7, 2009 at 10:11 am

What a fun idea, PERFECT for Fuji Mama, lover of all things chocolate! But drat, she’s seen this post by now, so I can’t make it to suprise her. No problem. Loving chocolate is in the top ten qualities I look for in a friend. I should have no problem finding more delighted recipients. I love your creative bagging, too. Thanks for sharing your ideas AND coming to FM’s rescue!


[email protected] February 8, 2009 at 3:02 pm

Wow-that bag is GORGEOUS! I’m loving those colors!!! I’ll be linking!

A big huge congratulations to LFM!!! I hope things are going well for the whole family.


Beta February 8, 2010 at 3:47 am

Thanks for this beautiful idea! I have thought about sharing it with my readers and I hope you are not sorry if I have inserted her in my post of S. Valentine (http://bimbumbeta.blogspot.com/2010/02/s-valentino-piccoli-pensieri-amorosi.html). If you had to not make you like I will handle to remove the link to your blog. Regards, Beta


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