Sep 17

Oh! Bento: Rock Your Lunchbox Japanese Style eBook — It’s finally here!

in Bento Buddy, News

I started working on an eBook all about packing bentos a few years ago and then life got in the way, BIG TIME, with things like moving, building a house, and adopting a baby.  So the eBook was put on the backburner for a while.  But now, it is finally here!  Oh! Bento: Rock Your Lunchbox Japanese Style.

Oh! Bento: Rock Your Lunchbox Japanese Style, by Rachael Hutchings

This book isn’t a cookbook*.  It’s more of a “how to” book.  I share a step-by-step process on how to get started on your own bentoing journey and on how to troubleshoot your process to make it easier, flow better, or fix hiccups.

Table of Contents, Oh! Bento ebook

This ebook also provides several printable weekly bento planners and shopping list.  This book addresses packing bentos for all ages, whether you’re making a lunch for a child in elementary school, making a lunch for someone to take to work, or making a lunch for yourself to eat at home as a method of portion control.  There’s something in it for everyone!

Oh! Bento ebook printables

I am super excited to finally put this book out there.  It’s been a long time coming.  I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed writing it and sharing my process!  You can go here to buy the book, or find it on my Shop page.


*Recipe ebooks will be coming in the near future!  I am working on a series of mini-ebooks that will provide recipes for different categories, like Snacks & Sweets, Breakfast for Lunch, different categories of main dishes, like rice and noodles . . . that way, instead of just buying one entire cookbook, you can pick and choose the categories that appeal to you (although I will be offering everything together in a bundle).

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